《最後的訪客》“The Final Visitors”

去年夏天,很多人來到皇后碼頭,為她、為別人、也為自己做了一點事情。我祇將眾人模糊的身影呈現出來,不是故意隱瞞眾人的身份,而是不想將身影局限於某人。假如您對某些身影似曾相識,您也許會感到欣慰,因為您也曾到此做了一點事情。Last summer, many people came to Queen's Pier, to do something for her, for others, or for their own. I have shown them in vague images, not deliberately conceal the identity of them, but do not want the images to be confined to certain persons. If you find some of these images familiar, you may feel pleased, because you did something there last year.
《旗幟下的生活》“Life under the Banners”

兩群對皇后碼頭的去留問題持不同意見的人士,留守在佈滿旗幟及標語的現場。在旗幟的神奇力量下,雙方竟能自我克制,和平共處,並沒有發生衝突。部份照片套上六十年代影樓字號的舊式樣,讓人在聯想到上影樓拍「全家福」照片的溫馨年代之餘,也藉此連繫到現場的那份鄰里關係之中。People who had different opinions about the future of Queen's Pier, stayed in the scene covered with flags and banners. It was so peaceful through out the whole process. Perhaps it is due to the magic of the banners.The neighborhood spirit at the scene is highlighted by the old studio logo, which tunes our mind back to the 60s when family portraits were taken at studio
《繁體廣東口語》之翻譯版 “Traditional Chinese in Cantonese Dialect - the translated version”

去年在皇后碼頭的牆上、柱上、甚至篷頂上,都寫滿了「廣東口語化的中文繁體字」。然而,為什麼一個英皇的碼頭竟然沒有英文標語?相信這是一個值得深思的問題。文字是有意義的符號,然而,對不懂得「廣東口語化的中文繁體字」的人士來說,去年在皇后碼頭展示的,衹不過是一次全港性的非具象作品展覽。為了澄清此不必要的誤會,謹以《大清帝國通勝英文詞典》作為參考,將文字的深層意義翻譯出來。(翻譯部分衹在展場展出)The walls, the pillars, even the roof of Queen’s Pier were covered with posters and banners written in traditional Chinese last year. My question is “Why did not a British Imperial pier have English banners?” I think this is a question worth our deep thoughts.Text is meaningful symbol. However, people who did not understand traditional Chinese or Guangdong dialect might regard those messages posted in Queen’s Pier abstract artworks. In order to clarify this unnecessary misunderstanding, I would like to reveal the underlying meanings of these abstract symbols based on the English dictionary included in the Chinese almanac issued since the Qing dynasty. (The translated part can only be viewed at the exhibition site)